What to bring

For workshops and evening activities

  • Violin, rosin, bow, extra strings
  • Guitar, or mandolin, extra strings
  • Electric piano, headphones, lectern, (if you can’t bring your piano, inform organisation please)
  • Blank sheet music (staff paper)
  • Battery operated portable tape or MP3 recorder; repertoire will be taught by ear and written copies will not be distributed to the students
  • Extra batteries and blank audio media (tapes, minidiscs, cds)
  • A costume for the soirée « Mi-Carême »; for newcomers, please note that EVERYBODY will be in costume!
  • Minimum of one call-and-response song
  • New : Each camper should bring a reusable cup, mug or bottle. No environmentally unfriendly single-use plastic bottles!

For the chalet

  • Sleeping bag, sheets, pillow
  • Towels, soap, bathroom toiletries
  • Alarm clock, flashlight


The temperature usually reaches 25 °C (75 °F), but because the camp is located in the mountains, the nights can get chilly. Weather permitting,  workshops will happen outdoors, allowing teachers and students to enjoy some fresh mountain air. In the event of rain, workshops will be held indoors. The chalets are located on Lac Lamoureux; a beach, canoes and « pedalos » (small paddle boats) will be at our disposal for the week!

  • Shorts, jeans, T-shirts
  • Swimsuit and beach towel
  • Warm sweaters, umbrella, rain jacket
  • Sandals, walking shoes/boots
  • Hat, baseball cap, sunglasses
  • Spending money to purchase promotional items on sale at the shop (as albums recorded by the teachers) or at the auction.
  • Camera or Iphone
  • Your favorite alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage. Each person is responsible for his or her actions and alcohol consumption for the duration of the camp; it is imperative that no regrettable or upsetting incidents occur.
  • All other items you deem necessary
  • Optional: new items or user in good condition to donate for the auction which raises funds for the camp youth scholarship.
  • We invite you to bring along costumes with a Mardi Gras theme. A costume party will be planned for Tuesday night. Food, dance, music and happiness to cajun flavour! Volunteers are needed to help decorate the room. So, volunteers… Come one, come all!
  • To ensure that you enjoy a comfortable stay with us at the camp, we suggest that you become familiar with the above items.


The camp will provid disinfectant and masks, but we suggest you to bring your own provisions.

Instruments security

Although the cottages are close to each other, they will not be locked. In addition, there will be no specific location allocated for storing instruments. Therefore, the best way to ensure that your instrument is safe is to have it in the eye. Take note, however, that we will be several musicians … So there is little chance of being stolen between us, but for more security, we suggest to be cautious and alert to visitors! Make sure the case of your instrument is identified so that you can recognize it easily.